Do You Have Scars After Breast Reduction?

do you have scars after breast reduction

The appearance of breast reduction scars depends on a variety of factors. The type of surgery, the size and location of the incisions, and your skin tone will all influence the color and shape of your scar. You will also want to use sunscreen and avoid tanning.

During the healing process, the scar tissue begins to darken. If you are planning to go swimming or sunbathe, you will need to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying a product like Vanicream or Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunscreen. Using an OTC cream or lotion will also help reduce the appearance of your scar.

If you want to reduce the appearance of your post-operative incisions, you should seek out a specialist for advice. A plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgeon will be able to recommend a treatment plan that will reduce the overall look of your scars. You can also try non-surgical treatments such as microneedling, massage, or laser therapy.

The best time to start using a scar-softening cream is after the incision has healed. The area can be massaged several times a day for five to 10 minutes. Massaging the incisions will increase blood flow and help collagen grow. It should be done on a daily basis for a few months to see results.

You can also use Embrace silicone sheets or bras to help protect the incisions. The silicone will keep the incisions together, making the scar less visible. The silicone will also help to reduce the discomfort associated with post-operative surgery. The Embrace dressings are available over the counter and can be worn for up to a year.

Another effective option for scars is to receive steroid injections. This will help reduce inflammation, reduce redness, and help to soften the scar. It can also be used to lessen the sensation of itching.

After surgery, you will need to wear a bra for a couple of weeks. If you experience any discomfort, you can wear a support bra. During the first six weeks, heavy lifting should be avoided. However, you can begin working again after two weeks. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact your surgeon.

The appearance of your breast reduction scars can be affected by your skin tone, the type of surgery, the size of the incisions, and your post-operative wound care. There are various options for scar removal, including hydroquinone bleaching cream, a scar gel, and laser scar removal. You should contact a board-certified plastic surgeon to get information about the treatment options available to you.

You can use moisturizing lotions to keep the incisions hydrated and to promote collagen breakdown. Moisturizers should be applied in a circular motion. You should not scrub the incisions, as this can aggravate the scar.

If you have a dense, thick scar, you may be a candidate for a surgical revision procedure. Your surgeon can advise you on the procedure and the recommended post-operative care.

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